Service Group

The service group is a collection of service personnel who process ticket tasks during the ticket service management process and supports tenant administrators to specify one or more users to be members of the service group. After the user applies for the manual ticket service that needs manual intervention through the service catalog, according to the pre-configured service process, the corresponding service group will receive the ticket for processing.

After receiving the ticket request, the designated personnel in the service group can perform the transfer or offline processing. After the task is completed, the status of the ticket is updated, and the system will automatically notify the user. The user can actively pay attention to the processing process in real time.

The functional points involved in the service group are:

  • Tenant administrators can create, edit, and delete multiple types of service groups

  • Tenant administrators can customize associated users and disassociated users

  • After the user applies for the ticket, the corresponding service group will receive the ticket for processing.

  • Workers who process ticket tasks can assign ticket tasks to each other, work together to process ticket tasks, and can also perform offline processing. After the processing is completed, the ticket status is updated and the ticket enters the processed status.

1. Add a Service Group

  1. In the left navigation, select “Organization” - “Service Groups”, click “Add” to create the group name and description, fill in and click Submit to enter the basic information interface.

  2. Basic Information: Enter the required name for the group name and fill in the group description.

  3. Click the user to go to the User page: Customize the associated user and remove the associated user. Click on the associated user, check the corresponding user, click Save to connect successfully.

  4. Click “Save” and the service group is successful.

2. View the service group

  1. In the left navigation, select “Organization” - “Service Groups”. This page displays all service groups under the current tenant, showing the group name, description, creator, creation time, and so on.

  2. Add, edit, delete, etc. to the service group.

  3. Quickly locate by search.

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